Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 3 (GAPS Intro Stage 2)

RJ and Venita last Halloween
This diet can bring out the best in people, and of course it brings out the worst in people! It brings all those problems to the surface and purges it right out of you. Not to get too philosophical, but it really reminds me of the process of spiritual purification, the process of spiritual refinement. When good is introduced, bad is purged out. Our weaknesses are brought to the surface. Both are quite painful processes!
Right now, I'm am soooo out of it and my body is so weak it's hard to type. I was REALLY dumb and had a couple pieces of gum. Wow.... And I could feel this cloudiness and heaviness in my head and shoulders, but I noticed my bodies is kicking it like it's a bad habit. Hey, another spiritual analogy. The stronger you grow in your faith, the easier it is to combat the temptations that enter your life. The quicker you bounce back and get on with it, and learn from it. Well my body is healing and getting stronger, and BOY it doesn't like what I just introduced it to a couple hours ago! Anyway enough about me, lets talk about the kids!

RJ (4), about 1:30 this morning wakes up flipping out and screaming and crying that he had to pee. It was dark so finding his way to the toilet wasn't easy. So that has never happened before. He has never woken up to having to pee, he just wakes up peeing!! So progress, I don't know. But I have always heard of GAPS curing the bed wetting thing, so don't know if its the case! And then around 4 in the morning he starts whining, I go in his room and ask him whats wrong, and in his sleep he starts talking about this soup he is trying to play with. He's trying to play with soup.... hahaha My poor kid is dreaming about soup!! Ahhh funny! This morning RJ just played, just like he used to on Full Gaps. He could play for hours and hours entertained so easily. But these days he always whines to watch a movie, or whine about being hungry, just whine, or just walk around making annoying sounds over and over again. So I was super stoked this morning! But it was incredibly short lived! Whining set in quickly. "No more diet, I don't like soup, I want a tangerine, I want a vitamin, I don't want to go outside, I want to go outside, I want to watch a movie...." Just non stop and then there is tonight when he literally didn't stop talking the whole 30 minutes it took him to clean his room. Literally talking about nothing, nothing.. Ugh, I don't know if you can relate, but he makes me RATHER hear nails on a chalk board than listen to him talk and talk and talk.. We introduced egg yolks in soup today, he seemed fine with them. Wondering what will tip me off to him or Venita not being ready for food. I can tell he has had a lot of die-off today. You can see it in his poor eyes, and he has bags. So him and Venita got a salt bath tonight.

Venita (17mo) has detoxed a lot today. Last night while I was making sauerkraut she got into some cabbage. 2 this morning she woke is crying in obvious pain. But she kinda slept through it all, and finally got back to sleep after a half and hour or so. I'm guessing it was the cabbage, because I ate some too and I had a stomach ache in the middle of the night too, not a bad one. But I noticed stomach pains after I was finally able to lay her back down in her crib. But she slept till 9:30 this morning, thats crazy! And she also took a 3+ hour nap today, thats crazy! And she was ready for bed early tonight too. The poor girl has really been detoxing today. She has just been really out of it, not real into playing. I did up their sauerkraut juice (probiotic) today so that could be the culprit. I haven't given much of the probiotics to them just because I fear to much die-off, and I know just from previous experience going on Full GAPS alone. This food, the broth especially, is incredibly powerful all by itself. So I have chosen to hold off on focusing too much on the probiotics in the beginning.

Just from hearing and reading stories about families giving up on GAPS all together because the die-off was unbearable. I have learned that more people could use this avenue, and more people should know about this option. The GAPS diet, yes, is a protocol. But Dr. Natasha does give other options for different situations, and does recommend backing off on probiotics if there is too much die-off. For some reason, people miss this information. Thats why reading the GAPS book is vital. But the die-off the kids experienced today is a comfortable amount of die-off. It also helps a ton that my kids have been on a pretty strict diet for some time now, and they are in a lot better health than a lot of GAPS kids. Every person will experience GAPS differently. Wish it was easier, but thats why I do this. For that very reason. Because of reading other peoples experiences, I have learned a ton, and it has prepared me for this day and what I have to look forward to in the future. Testimonies mean everything!

Are there any die-off experiences that you can share? Post a comment!

For more information on the GAPS diet, please visit my other site

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