Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Days 33-35 (Intro Stages 3 & 5)

Venita and her cute little scrunchy face!
Well it's 11pm and I'm not tired. I have chicken and carrots boiling on the stove. I realized tonight that I am not prepared for tomorrow which is our GAPS Group day and shopping day all rolled into one. Today was a rough day. I woke up doing, mmmmmm, okay I guess. But quickly after my Phat Cup of Joe I went kinda downhill.
Extreme fatigue, soar and itchy eyes, muscle weakness, and upset stomach. Yesterday I had some watermelon and the same thing happened and I knew it was the watermelon. But then for it to happen right after my Phat Cup of Joe the following day didn't really make much sense. Could it be a cross pollen reaction or something, I don't know. I guess that kinda stuff happens. But, me and Venita (18mo) slept from about 1:30 to 5pm. Don't have to wonder why I'm not tired! Luckily my hubby was home today because of bad weather. It is also the 1st anniversary since his Dad's passing, so it was a good day to stay home.

The past couple of days I got to thinking about the major itchy issues I used to have. I didn't realize how much a problem it was. I had major itchy scalp, skin, and my ears were always tickly. I know that within a week of GAPS these symptoms subsided almost completely, but now I can say I don't have to use a q-tip 5 times a day to itch my ear. I don't have to lube up with lotion several times a day to cope with the itching.. Why?? Candida is dying!!! Yay!!

AND boy this baby is kicking like crazy! I'm 19 weeks and 2 days. I was doing a google search a week ago and came upon a girl asking about leaky breasts after an abortion. (Which happens because you're body still develops colostrum and milk to feed the baby even if it's aborted) And I noticed a girl nonchalantly talking about her 18 week abortion in which she had a few days ago. Ugh my heart just sank, I have grown accustomed to abortion and it's realities while being an active pro-lifer, but this one just hit me hard. Here I am 18 weeks you know, my baby is alive and kicking so strong. And the thought of someone taking the life of my baby, any baby. I mean right now I have the laptop on my lap with the front hitting my belly and this baby is literally beating the heck out of the laptop! There is a significant life there!  It just breaks my heart every time I feel my baby kicking. This pregnancy was not planned, and of course it was not prevented. I admit I wasn't ready, and I still am not ready. But I put my faith in God knowing everything is going to be okay. I wish more had that faith. And it looks like daddy got to see and feel baby kick for the first time tonight. What a beautiful gift! Thats when you know you're really skinny!! lol 19 weeks along and seeing baby kick!

So anyway, beings I was sick all day. Come time for dinner and I had nothing planned and RJ (4) and Venita already ate all my stash of food. So I decided to go out for dinner. Jeremy was pretty excited, that meant he could have a burger. Before we even left RJ was talking about eating a burger. I told him right away, "If you want to eat a burger then we aren't going." He completely changed and said I want a chicken salad! So at dinner I asked them not to season the kids steak, but the cook didn't read the memo. Luckily it wasn't too offensive of a spice. And just had butter sauteed onions and mushrooms with their steak. I had and mushroom swiss burger without the bun and a baked potato. Now this is only because I'm pregnant do I get a potato. No problems with the kids at all, they both ate like champs and RJ was licking the plate at the restaurant! lol Jeremy told him not to do that, it's rude. And I thought, but I feel like it's a compliment when the kids lick their plates!! But to top the restaurant visit off. Venita lifted her butt off the seat of her highchair to let out a couple loud farts! hahahaha She doesn't fart all that often, but oh my!!! It just about made me die! What manners my GAPS Kids have!! But the waitress at the restaurant, whom knows us from many previous visits in the past was really curious about our diet. I finally felt comfortable talking about it. I know a lot of times my mouth runs away with me. But give a little and God will do the rest I guess. But just basically saying it's a diet for healing food allergies made me feel a little less weird. And then more questions came, and I was able to explain more basics to the diet, and she said her grand kids have a lot of food problems and she would share the info with her DIL. So it was a good feeling. I really felt comfortable going to this restaurant only because I know their food really well and they use a grill. So I don't have to worry about what rancid oils they are cooking their food in. But I also noticed that before I went to eat their my stomach was upset. I didn't leave with an upset stomach and I came home with a load of energy. I'm thinking that potato was something my body was in need of. I'm not as good as the kids are with eating carrots and squash. Most my carbs come from fruit and veggies and some days nuts, I probably could use more. I just can't eat the veggies like they do... They have no problem just pick up a cold piece of steamed broccoli and chowing down. Or eating mashed squash. Uck.. So I know that is something I need to work on. I should start doing pancakes in the mornings consistently, I'm betting that would help me with energy..

Venita is turning into such a little turd when she is hungry or tired. There is no room for error with that girl. What the heck do you do with a girl with that much attitude!! Woah! And her face rash is horrible still, BUT she has a little teenie tiny patch of eczema left. Thats it!

RJ is RJ, he is good and then he isn't so good! :) He hasn't had any crazy fits for a couple days. But he is really s l o w w w w w some days. Like his brain isn't attached to his body. Or his brain just isn't there. I need more patience... :\

Anyway, I gotta get to sleep! Good night and God Bless!

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