Saturday, March 23, 2013

Days 11 & 12 (GAPS Intro Stage 2 & 4)

Well, day 12 and I think the excitement has dwindled. But progress is being made even with a little hiccup.
Venita (17mo stage 2) got a pretty nasty stomach virus. I know for sure it wasn't diet related because my friend and her son both got the same exact thing. It hasn't claimed any of us, thinking we have already gotten this bug before. Anyway yesterday began the 3rd day of her bug and she finally started digesting her food again. She has been really fussy. She doesn't hold anything back man! When she wants something she won't let up until she gets it and she knows exactly what she wants. Yet, she can't talk.. This seems to be her overall attitude since she got sick. We have introduced more baked foods, though she is still suppose to be on boiled meats (which she doesn't like) since she is on stage 2, she has always done really well with meat. And so far since yesterday, NO whole foods in her poop. Everything is still being digested! I took her back to Stage 2 because she didn't do well with Avocado or with Nuts. So I will give her a couple days for recovery and maybe try Avocado on Monday. See how that goes.

RJ (4 stage 4) has had zero OCD tendencies the past couple of days. He is listening pretty well, and his brain is coming back to us!! LOL He is progressing really well. We had a little accident today too. He was at Grandma's house and she knew he has been on carrot juice, so she thought that meant he could have a carrot... So we got a little jump start on stage 6 but, he did fine with it. Never complained of stomach pain. So tomorrow I am moving him to 5 and he will be soooo excited to have cucumber!! I am excited to know that he will most likely be on stage 6 for Easter. He will get to have all the yummy candy that I'm gonna make. So excited!

Today I decided to get ambitious and make a pizza with the cauliflower crust. As always I changed things, I'm not good at following directions. Besides I wanted a big pizza. I got a late start so I rushed through the crust, but if I had all the time to do it right it would have been perfect. Also something to consider when making a pizza with the cauliflower crust, cook all the toppings and at the very end add them and then heat the pizza quickly. Hopefully next time it ends up perfect, but Jeremy approved and was surprised that I made a crust out of Cauliflower.. RJ LOVED it but of course didn't get any cheese on his pizza and Venita just got the meat with squash. She loves beef!! LOL

I'm so happy to see how good RJ is doing. I'm almost happy to see how good Venita is doing. I mean, she is way behind RJ, but it really reassures me of what I am doing, and why I am doing it. When I had to quit nursing Venita I knew I had to start GAPS Intro immediately. I knew her body wasn't absorbing any of the nutrients from her food and if I didn't heal her gut and nourish her body, her health would begin to decline dramatically. I can see now that she is as sick as I thought she was and GAPS is heaven sent. I think about where we would be right now if not for discovering the power of food. When I was finally introduced to this reality, that was when I discovered baby protein sensitivities. Otherwise I would have been done nursing Venita at 5 months because she was in such pain from what I was eating. Dairy, Eggs, Gluten. It was horrible.. It was amazing to me at that point, watching her react to the things I was eating. There was no denying it! And when we went onto Full GAPS and I saw the changes in RJ, there was no denying it. The same with myself.. There is nothing like feeling the difference within yourself.. Feeling alive for the first time in my life. Feeling powerful and joyful. And then you fall, and fall so easily. No I never went down so far as the bring processed food back into my house... But I fell off of Full GAPS in a time in which our bodies weren't ready for it. And we didn't do well with it! But here we are again seeing progress, feeling better day by day! Now we will wait till we are healed to go off of GAPS!!

Want to know more about the GAPS diet and find recipes? Visit

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